LI.To have a positive Communication with others
For Kiwi Can we were learning about positive Communication .Positive Communication is where you be positive to others and being negative to the person your are talking or comunicating to. Then we did and energizer called flip the cone. One team has to flip the cone upside down and the other team has to flip the cone the right way round.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 28 February 2020
Rippa Rugby | Kiwi Sport
LI.To Learn the basics of Rippa Rugby.
For Rippa Rugby Ls1, Room 5 and Room 4 went to dunkirk rugby feild to learn the basics of rugby. Our coaches for today were Andrew and Justice from the Marist brothers rugby team.First we did a warm up to get our blood pumping we played a game were we had to go that direction in an amount of time. Once we got our blood pumping we practicsed running passing to each other. To cath a ball proplerly use your two hands and make a W shape. After we played a game of Octupuss. One of the coaches kicked the ball to the attackers and then they had to run to the end with out getting ripped. Then we played a game of Rippa Rugby. We to split into 2 teams red and green. When we were playing we kept on running towards the person with the ball and not spreading out across the feild. I think I did well for my 2 game of Rippa Rugby one thing I need to work on is spreading out and passing the ball more
For Rippa Rugby Ls1, Room 5 and Room 4 went to dunkirk rugby feild to learn the basics of rugby. Our coaches for today were Andrew and Justice from the Marist brothers rugby team.First we did a warm up to get our blood pumping we played a game were we had to go that direction in an amount of time. Once we got our blood pumping we practicsed running passing to each other. To cath a ball proplerly use your two hands and make a W shape. After we played a game of Octupuss. One of the coaches kicked the ball to the attackers and then they had to run to the end with out getting ripped. Then we played a game of Rippa Rugby. We to split into 2 teams red and green. When we were playing we kept on running towards the person with the ball and not spreading out across the feild. I think I did well for my 2 game of Rippa Rugby one thing I need to work on is spreading out and passing the ball more
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Basic Facts Boxes
For Basic Facts boxes I did speed demon up to 10s on all subtraction and addition. I beat my highest record by 15 seconds. I have imporved heaps and I also got no answers wrong.
SSR Selfie | Tashi And The Royal Tombs
I read a book about Tashi and the royal tombs. Tashi and his uncle went to go and build a well on his land so he didn't have to go to the town and collect water from the town. He and Tashi were were digging with Lotus Blossom and Angus Figment. When they were digging thye found royal tombs,Treasures and historical Swords and armour.
Tuesday, 25 February 2020
Descrpitive language
LI: to describe using interesting language features.
The "Descriptive Writing " activity is used for practising using descriptive language.
The comments fuction is used to describe any of the gathered photos.
There is a list of language features to help create descriptions.
The objective of the Descrptive writing activity is to improve describtive language abilities.
The "Descriptive Writing " activity is used for practising using descriptive language.
The comments fuction is used to describe any of the gathered photos.
There is a list of language features to help create descriptions.
The objective of the Descrptive writing activity is to improve describtive language abilities.
Reading | Sir David Attenbourgh
LI.To learn something new
We did a acttivity on fact find.Fact find is a information activity. We had to chose out of the chosen catorges he did famous people. The person we chose was Sir David Attenbourgh. He is a famous broadcatser of geography and animals. He is a vegeterian and is 93 years old. My job was to find information sources and some facts. I enjoyed rearching information about Sir David Attenbourgh becuase I like animals and I watch some of his shows.
We did a acttivity on fact find.Fact find is a information activity. We had to chose out of the chosen catorges he did famous people. The person we chose was Sir David Attenbourgh. He is a famous broadcatser of geography and animals. He is a vegeterian and is 93 years old. My job was to find information sources and some facts. I enjoyed rearching information about Sir David Attenbourgh becuase I like animals and I watch some of his shows.
Then we did Idioms.We had to make a script and a video about the idiom.
Idiom meaning: Be in Trouble
Kruse- Ha I got you.
Mote- No you didn’t come over here. *Punch Kruse*
Spelman- Hey Mote you’re in Hot Water now! follow me.Maths
LI.To Practise independent activities.
Our groups started a rotation. The activities we attempted were basic facts boxes, Drills, Abacus, and finding a group logo. We had to make a video of ourselfs counting on the abacus fowards and backwards. I attempted the 5 times tables on basic facts boxes.
I found the abacus really easy counting backwards and fowards my time 4 minutes and 5 seconds.
Next we did basic facts facts boxes For Basic Facts boxes I did speed demon up to 10s on all subtraction and addition. I beat my highest record by 15 seconds. I have imporved heaps and I also got no answers wrong.
Next we did basic facts facts boxes For Basic Facts boxes I did speed demon up to 10s on all subtraction and addition. I beat my highest record by 15 seconds. I have imporved heaps and I also got no answers wrong.
Friday, 21 February 2020
Geometric house
LI. To create a geometric piece of art using only shapes.
For Art we had to make a geometric house out of shapes and lines. We had to use the techinqes that we practised on a google draw. The house is covered with grass that is covered over the roof and stone for the walls.
Thursday, 20 February 2020
100s Chart Puzzle
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For maths we had to make a 100s chart puzzle. First we had to put one togther as a gorup and find out the pattern in the jigsaw puzzle. Then we had to make our own puzzle with sybols or emjois we also have to make a puzzle. After we had to mix the puzzle peices up and change the color coding to white.
Self Portrait
For art we had to make a self portarit of ourselfs using 2 designs Mr Wong's wich is made out of shapes and Mrs Anderson's wich uses the curve tool. I used Mrs Anderson's design becuase I liked the realistic shape of the self portrait.
Wednesday, 19 February 2020
Print Design Rules
LI.To identify the four areas of print design.
For the print design rules we had to come up with new design rules for compistion,Text, Color and Layout . The new Rules were:
Composition :
Use Images that relate to the text
Have a Balance of pictures and sentences
Have Margins and align text and images
Use most of the space
Don’t use clashing colours use a harmonic colour scheme
Use contrasting backgrounds and Foreground colors
Make sure the text is legible
Keep consistent fonts and sizes
Thursday, 13 February 2020
What is my name worth?
For maths we had to find out what our name is worth. The numbers for each letters of my name are K=1 R=9 U=5 E=2 so if add those up in total it would be 32 so 3+2 = 5 so my name is worth 5.
Ti Tiriti o te Waitangi
This week we have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi by accessing different text types and media.
In groups we needed to firstly access the information and gather the main ideas of Who, What, Where, Why and When. We had journal stories, website, youtube videos and more.
We then had to summarise the information in to sentences using key words. Even though we all picked out different words, the main idea of the treaty are the 3 Ps.
The 3 Ps are Protection, Partnership and Participation. This is what the treaty set out to achieve.
We then had to evaluate our new learnings and think of questions that we want to find more information on.
I enjoyed learning about the diffrent timelines about the treaty of waitangi like Hone Heke cuts the flagpole and attcked the union flagstaff 4 times.
Marytime Museum
LI. To Study the history of New Zealand Maritime explorers
Yesterday LS1 went to the Maritime Museum to learn about Explorers for inquiry. Our intructors were Lee and Peter.
We had to find stars in difrent aeras and famous people and location in New Zealand find information about them. The first place my group went to the thatre to watch an animation about how Kupe found Aoteroa.
We also made a sktech movie of one the events like how kupe found Aoteroa or how Captin Cook traveled to New Zealand.
I enjoyed learning about Kupe, Captin Cook and Peter Blake I found this topic really interesting.
Yesterday LS1 went to the Maritime Museum to learn about Explorers for inquiry. Our intructors were Lee and Peter.
We had to find stars in difrent aeras and famous people and location in New Zealand find information about them. The first place my group went to the thatre to watch an animation about how Kupe found Aoteroa.
We also made a sktech movie of one the events like how kupe found Aoteroa or how Captin Cook traveled to New Zealand.
I enjoyed learning about Kupe, Captin Cook and Peter Blake I found this topic really interesting.
Crazy Cricket Chaos
LI.To devlop fundemental movements in cricket
We did Our first cricket session of cricket with Brian from HPCC.
I did a session on throwing a ball at a set of stumps. We also did an activity where we had to hit 2 balls off cones as far as we could. Lastly we did a catching drill with 2 balls in a big circle.
I was exausted from running,Batting,cathing and throwing.The one thing I need o work on was hitting the 2 balls. I enjoyed cricket.
We did Our first cricket session of cricket with Brian from HPCC.
I did a session on throwing a ball at a set of stumps. We also did an activity where we had to hit 2 balls off cones as far as we could. Lastly we did a catching drill with 2 balls in a big circle.
I was exausted from running,Batting,cathing and throwing.The one thing I need o work on was hitting the 2 balls. I enjoyed cricket.
Tuesday, 11 February 2020
About me 2020
Kia Ora
My name is Kruse. I am Samoan, Maori and German. My favouite colour is green.
I am in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. I enjoy Maths my favourite thing in Maths is times tables.
In my speare time I play Need For Speed Carbon and Rugby league live 3.
At home I also watch rugby league. My favourite teams are the Warriors and the North Queensland Cowboys.
I am in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. I enjoy Maths my favourite thing in Maths is times tables.
In my speare time I play Need For Speed Carbon and Rugby league live 3.
At home I also watch rugby league. My favourite teams are the Warriors and the North Queensland Cowboys.
How to Make a Strong Passoword
To make a strong password you need a mixture of lower case and capital letters,numbers,Puntuaction and symbols.
For an example : FluffyDoughnuts
Then your must change the password with number puntuation and symols
Like : F1ufFyD0ughtnut$
It's always important not to tell your password to anyone like your bank account number your google account and other apps that need passwords.
For an example : FluffyDoughnuts
Then your must change the password with number puntuation and symols
Like : F1ufFyD0ughtnut$
It's always important not to tell your password to anyone like your bank account number your google account and other apps that need passwords.
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