Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Fantasy Island

LI: To make a fantasy island 

While Ls2 were at camp we had to make a fantasy island. Our fantasy island required a name, language spoken, population, the name of your currency, which ocean it is located in, what crops grow there and what animals are on your island.  

We then made a map for our island which reqired a hospitals, schools, shops, airport, factorys, shops, houses, farms with animals and crops, beaches and mountains. 

We also made a haiku, travel brouchure to make them come to the island, A coat of arms and a flag, exports and a poster of the exports, the disadvantages of living on our island. the diffrent uses of pineapples and write five possible questions that answers pineapple. 

I enjoyed this activity becuase it gave me many diffrent ideas and helped me think in a fun way. 


Monday, 12 April 2021

Duffy Assembly | Duffy

This week we had duffy assembly. We had 2 special guests come to our school to talk about why reading is important and how it can change your life around. The 2 guests names were Karen and Marc. 

Marc talked about how he couldn't read or read from right to left. Marc not knowing how to read led him to getting bullied and even ended up in prision. In prision a teacher tought him how to read and left prision with a diploma in 4 subjects. Once he learnt how to read he became a succesful. Marc then became a bussines man and now owns one of the biggest companys in New Zealand. The story really inspired me and sent me a good message that knowing how to read can turn your life around and help you become more sucessful.