Friday 7 June 2019


LI.To Build our own abilitys.

Stretches - L shape,seal,butterfly,cat stretch straddle back/front/side support.

Rotation 1 -
The beam we had to start at the stage and walk forwards intill we reach the middle.When you reach the middle you do a tiny jump on the beam then you walk to the end.
At the box we had to do a cartwheel over the box intill you reach the end 
At the bench we had to do a Ford roll from one end to the other.

Rotation 2 - 
The trampoline we had to run and jump on the trampoline and land on the blue mat doing a Starfish shape then do a ford roll.
For the backwards roll we had to sit on the beam and roll down till the end then stand up. 
For the 1 kg/Scorpion handstand we had to put one foot up in the air and do a handstand we also had to do 3 hand stands. 
For the 180 jump we had to run then jump on a bouncy broad then turn around 180 and land in a landing shape. 

Rotation - 3
For a handstand we had to put our feet on the wall the lift one foot off at a time for 3 seconds but your hands were on a round circle.
The front support is when you lift your self up on the trolley for 5 seconds   
The Parallel bars is when you lift you self up and tuck your knees up you can also do the L shape and straddle then you do little swings.
The Back/Side/Front Support is when you put your feet on the floor and keep on rotating till you get to the end but the rotation mat moves.

The 1 kg/Scorpion handstand was the most challenging thing in gymnastics today because I kept on bending my knees and then falling on the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kruse,
    Amazing blog - post. You have written about your experience at Gymnastics in so much detail. I have also gone to gymnastics. What was your favourite activity at Gymnastics.

    Good Job Kruse!


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