Friday, 25 September 2020

Art Collabration

For art we recreated the gruffalo cover using pastels. 

First our group  practised blending colours using cotton buds and combining two colours together. Then we added textures by adding more colours to make the colour darker. We compared to match  the section we were colouring in. 

Next, we talked about blending the important parts of our section. 

After that, my group collaborated with other groups on how they did their blending to make dark or light colours.

When we thought we are ready to do the final copy of the drawing, we each coloured a section of the final copy.

When each group has finished their section, Mr. Ogilvie put the pieces together. The whole picture of the Gruffalo looked amazing and magnificent. It was fun recreating the gruffalo cover using pastel. I feel proud of our art work. I would like to do it again.    

Daily Routine | Writing

LI: to write a recount on one of the days of the week

This week we wrote a recount of our daily routine.

First, I chose a day of the week to write a recount on. I chose Saturday. Then we wrote down key phrases and words that relates to our daily routine such as - having a shower or getting dressed

Then we used the the ideas in our plan to make a recount of routines we do on a day.

Next, we proof read our work to make sure our recount includes the title, a reveal, events, and an ending. There should be four paragraphs for the events, each paragraph telling what happened before school, at school, after school and after dinner.

I enjoyed this activity, and found it a bit hard to revise my daily Saturday routine because on a Saturday for me it is pretty busy. One thing I think I could work on when writing recounts is making it more interesting to read instead of giving simple sentences.

Govening Topics | Reading

LI: To choose important governing topics by summarising all topics

Governing topics are things parties want to provide for the country, people and comunity when they get elected during election. 

The two most important governing topics to me are: Education and health.

Health is about keeping people safe and healthy and providing more money and stop getting sick to help during the current covid 19 pandemic.

Education is about kids getting better education sources and teacher getting paid a fair salary for the work they are doing for the children.  

If I voted and choose a governing topic, I would pick education and health. The reason why I picked health is because I want to keep myself healthy and safe under the covid 19 sitiuation. The reason why I chose education is I would like to learn new things while I am still at school.

Saftey Plans | Inquiry

 LI: to demonstrate prior knowledge 

For inquiry we checked out the hazards, risk, and consequences that could happen during making a fire and smores.

First, we discussed different hazards and risk. Next we wrote it down. A hazard for the fire is the fire itself and the consequences is getting burnt.

Then, we discussed some consequences that could happen. Consequences can be how can we prevent it, who's responsibillity is it, and the emergency plan.

After, we made another saftey plan for making the smores with the fire. We repeated the same process but wrote down different hazards, risk and consequences. Then we made smores.

Mr Ogilvie lit up the fire and then demostrated how to roast the marshmellows. After he demostrated we made our own smores.

I found this activty hard because it was hard to cook the marsmallows.

Rounding | Maths

LI investigate units of time

Rounding is a math strategy that uses addition and division strategies.Rounding means to circle it to the nearest ten, hundred, thousands, etc.

Addition and division are both operations that are used for rounding. To round, the person needs to find the mean, to find the mean get a set of numbers like 5,7,1,9,3 and then add them altogether which would make 25. Then divide them by the amount of numbers there are which makes 5.
Here comes the rounding part comes in so if the numbers are 5-9 they are called high five and the numbers that are 0-4 they are called four floor. Look for the last digit. Example: 21.85 now becomes 21.9 because 5 is above.
Rounding can help people get better at adding and dividing.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Risk Assesment form | Inquiry

LI: to assess risk within a simple activity.
For inquiry we did a gruop task about risk assesment. 

We did a recap about what a hazard and a risk is. A hazards is things that can cause harm to people, properties, and the enviroument. A risk is something that will cause harm to people, properties, and the enviroment.

Next we made a saftey plan for a simple activity. We wrote down what activity it is, the class level, number of students, and where the location is.

Then we had to answer questions like what could go wrong, what could cause it to go wrong, how could we prevent it, and whose resposibilty is it.

Lastly we thought of emergency plan which is going to be needed if a risk elevates to a more serious situation.

Rewrite | Writing

LI. re write a narrative 
A rewrite is when you change parts of a story. I rewrited the story gruffalo.

To rewrite I changed the setting, charatcer, where the charcter meet the mouse and when the mouse describes the gruffalo's favoruite food inculding the chracters in it.

The change I made was changing the fox to a panther. The panthers setting is a oak wood house. I also changed the gruffalo favouite food from roasted fox to panthercotta. 

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Making Connections | Reading

LI. To identify and describe connections.
Connections have a similar idea as something else. There are three main connections text to self, text to text and text to world. 

Text to self is when something links to something you have done. 
For example - Fox hides in the dandelions to so he could eat mouse. My connection is that I snuck past my dad to watch the warriors game. 

Text to text is when stories have similar ideas. For example - Snake chokes mouse to kill him. My connection is that in the Simpsons homer chokes bart when he gets cheeky. 

Text to world is where the text links to something people do everyday. For Example - the squirrel goes to find food for her kids. My connection is that People buy food for themselves and kids.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Setting Descrpition | Writing

LI.To write a setting description
A setting description is created by a picture of what a characters place looks like, smells like, feels like and sounds like. 

To describe what it looks like use adjectives like camofluage, small and other adjectives. 

To describe what it smells like use adjectives like revolting, mold and other adjectives. 

To describe what it feels like use adjectives like damp, constricted and other adjectives. 

To describe what it sounds like use adjectives like quiet, echo and other adjectives. 

The 4 senses can help people build connections with what is being described.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Hazards & Risks | Inquiry

LI: to assess the likelihood
For inquiry we learnt how to assess risks.

First we rated situations on risk levels like, low, likely, possible, elevated and extreme.  For example, the situation “ using a lighter to check if the lawnmower has petrol” is extreme risk level. 
Lastly we wrote down three situations for each risk level and what might be the consequences.

I learnt how to use common sense in risky situations and how to practise safety to avoid danger.

Inference | Reading

In reading I learnt about fact and opinion. During this activity, I learnt how to infer using prior knowledge.

Firstly, I wrote about fact and opinion. Facts are events that happened. Opinions are the inferences we make using facts.

Next, I wrote down things that the character did in The Gruffalo story. Next I wrote down the inferences we made using facts.

Finally, I created a character trait using some adjectives I came up with in my inferences about the characters.

I now understand that to get an opinion I have to use the clues and keywords.

LI: To infer.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Time | Maths

LI. To investigate units of time 

The median is found by organizing a set of numbers from least to greastest and finding the number that falls in the middle, but if there is an even set of numbers, the two numbers are added and then divided by 2. For example: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The median would be 7.

The mean is found by adding a set of numbers together then dividing the total by how many numbers there are. For example: 7+8+9= 24. 24 divided by 3 is 8. The mean would be 8.

The mode is found by organizing the set of numbers from least to greatest and then finding the number that appears the most. For example: 5, 6, 7, 7, 8. The mode is 7 because 7 appears the most times in the number set.

They measured how long a paper plane would glide for in the air. After they measured the length of their activity, they turned their times into a mean. They also found the median and mode for all of their times.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Basic facts Boxes

LI: To remember basic maths facts.
I attempted to complete division and mulitplcation under 5 minutes. I Got answers wrong with the time of 9 minutes and 33 seconds. My next goal is to get under 7 minutes and work my way down to five minutes.

Hazards & Risks | Inquiry

LI. To demonstrate prior knoledge about risks and hazards

For inquiry we were learning about hazards and risks.

First we played octopus and four corners. Once we played the two games we identified the dangers and accidents that could of happened. 

Next we identified the difference between risks and hazards. Hazards mean something that can harm people. Risks are the chances that people take that could harm people or other things. 

Then we thought of hazards that could happen in homes,the community,in sports and at school. 

Lastly we wrote down risks that could happen in those places. 


Visualising is a strategy that helps picture a thought in your head. 

The Gruffalo story uses the visualising strategy. The little mouse describe a monster called the gruffalo. At the end of the story people should have a picture in there head on what the gruffalo looks like.

LI. To visualise parts of the story