Thursday, 19 December 2019

Places to go in Australia/SLJ

For the Summer Learning Journey I had to make a poster on a travelling poster of my choice. The country I chose was Australia. In Sydney there are 2 most famous places the Sydney bridge & the opera house they are not far from each other.

Venus Williams

For Summer Learning Journey I made a poster on Venus Williams. Venus Williams and her sister Serena Williams are both tennis players. There dad Richard Williams thought them tennis when they were kids.

Miracle on the hudson

Miracle on the Hudson
When my Granddad was bungee jumping off the harbour bridge a kid fell off the deck where he had jumped off and the little kid fallen off so my granddad jumped down and cached the kid. My granddad got a trophy but he didn't take the trophy.  
Image result for person bungee jumping off harbour bridge

For the summer learning Journey we had to write about a recount about a time when you or someone did something brave. I wrote about a time where Granddad jumped off the harbour bridge when he was 34 to save a little kid. He did ave the kid and my granddad got a trophy but he didn't accept the trophy.

Day 1 Activity 3 /SLJ

For the summer learning Journey we had to complete a task on supporting a company that Sir Edmond Hillary use charity . The option were SPCA,OXFAM,Auckland City Mission & Air Rescue.
We then had to make a poster about the company and what they do.

My Dream Job

For the summer learning Journey we had to make a poster or an info graphic about our dream job.I made a poster on my dream job. My dream job is to be a Landscaper. The reason why this is my favourite job is because I learnt how to use a lawn mower when I was three. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Jean Batten & Amelia Earhart/ Solo Flyers

For the summer learning journey I had to make a diagram on Jean Batten & Amelia Earhart. I had to find facts about both the solo flyers and then put the similar information about them in the middle box.

Interview on Micheal Jordan

For the Summer Learning Journey I asked 5 questions about a basket ball player. The basketball player I chose was Micheal Jordan. Micheal Jordan plays golf in tournaments and retired basketball in 2003. He use to play for the Chicago Bulls and was known for the most skilled basketball player in Chicago Bulls.

If I had three Superpowers

For the Summer Learning Journey the task I completed was If I had 3 superpowers. The three superpowers I would have is infinite wishes, Super Speed and invisibility. I would like these powers because I can stop super villains. 

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

SLJ/Day 2/Activity 2

For the Summer Learning Journey I task I completed was to make a poem of what would you feel if you first stepped on the moon. 

This is my poem:
Behind the clouds 
of my memories 
you still shine 
I will never forget 
when I first stepped 
On the moon

Monday, 16 December 2019

Day 1/Activity 2 SLJ

For the Summer learning journey we had to find places around the world that is special to your family or where they were born. For an Example: My tribe is from Ngapuhi and my famous ancestor is Hone Heke.

Week 1/ Day One/ Activity One/ SLJ

10 things I would take on a boat with no refrigerator or freezer if
I was invited on a boat for 3 weeks but I had to bring 10 selections of foods and drinks to survive. 

Here are the items I would take with me to survive.
  1. Nuts 
  2. Fresh water bottles (42 liters) 
  3. Brown rice 
  4. Fruit Salad cans
  5. Protein Bars 
  6. Muesli Bars 
  7. Beef Jurkey
  8. Raisins/Sultanas/Apricots   
  9. Apples 
  10. Weet Bix  

Why I would take these things on a boat
There Healthy they don’t have to go in the fridge and they don’t have to be cooked apart
from the brown rice and the beef jurkey.
The beef jurkey and and brown rice is easy to cook. T
he water you need to survive and if you drink out of the sea you get sick. 

Friday, 6 December 2019

Comment On Kiwi Can

For commenting I commented on Ayden's Kiwi Can.His blog post was about kiwi can. It was interesting but he made a few errors.

Basic Facts Boxes

For basic facts boxes I done speed demon for multiplication and division.I got no answers wrong and my time was 6 minutes and 59 seconds. My last record was 7.44 seconds I have slowly improved on speed demon. 

SSR Selifie

For SSR I read a Book about Rugby 2011.Rugby is a game that is to do with physical contact most fit and solid people play Rugby. There are 3 types of rugby union,League and Rugby. Every year rugby is played in the world cup. The most teams who have won 3 world cup are Sprig Box and the All Blacks.Australia is the 3 closest team to win there 3rd world cup.


LI.To identify parts of a narrative
For Writing we had to write the hook for our narrative. A Hook is a opening statement to start a narrative. We also had to introduce the 2 main charters the other character helps them later on in the story. 

Thursday, 5 December 2019


LI.To Make Interactive Poster on Cybersmart
This week for cyber smart we had to pick one things out of slide,Move,song and other. We had to work in partners in my partner was Mote. We had to write how to find a legal Image.
This will help you with finding legal images and not having to pay on other sites.

Kiwi Sport

LI.To play singles
For Tennis we were play singles. We all had to have a turn vs the champions and if you beat the challengers once you are now the challenger if you feed it in or hit the ball twice in your square you are out.After all the champions were challenging the other champions the last one who stands wins.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

10 Words & 5 Meanings | Reading

For Reading we the task I was doing was 10 Words & 5 meanings. It had to find 10 words and the book Fantastic Mr Fox and find out 5 meanings out of the 10 words. The 10 words I chose was Plucked,Souvenir,Cunning,Murmured,Murky,Wadding,Cursed,Shallow and courage.

Kiwi Can

LI.To Respect others differences 
For Kiwi Can we were learning about others differences. 

Example: if someone eats meat and the other person is a vegan you have to respect that differences and not say "im not playing with you because your vegan" That is disrespecting that difference that you don't have.

It is good to respect people's differences because everyone has differences.Another example of respecting someone is by helping them if they can't do something like if someone has dislocated there knee they might want help. 


This week for Maori we were learning the days of the week and months in Maori. First we learn the days of the week in Maori like Wenerei,Hàtarei and Paraire. Then we completed the other questions on a google doc.After we answered some questions about when is our birthday and we had to write down down the google doc in Maori.


LI.To learn the time in Maori
For Maori we were learning the time in Maori.First we learnt the basic times in Maori and then we went and completed the harder times in Maori. We then went on to clock face generator to show the time we had translated from Maori to English.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019


This week for maths we were doing fractions.We did fractions because most people in maths tests were bad for fractions so we were memorizing the basic fractions. The easiest fraction to remember is one half. Fractions are an equal piece divided into an amount of equal pieces cut. We had ti use paper and make fractions in different shapes and paste it in your maths book to remember the basic fractions.